How to work with your website

I believe every website owner should be able to add content, edit content or make changes to their own website themselves should they want to. These 'how to' posts here contain instructions to make some of those changes and to work with your website. I hope you find them informative and useful.

If you would rather concentrate on your core business, then leave your website work with me. I'm just an email away.

  • Working on your Website

    You’ve had your 90min training but it’s been a while since you last logged in and did some work on your website. This post will jolt your memory to guide you through the process of making edits and changes on your pages.

  • New Page - Divi

    Great! You want to add a new page to your website! Adding new pages with new and more content is always encouraged. Go for it!!

  • New Post

    Adding new blog posts means adding content to your website and that is good! Let’s get started.

  • Images

    Prepare your images before you use them on your website. They shouldn’t be used straight off your camera but need to be cropped, resized and compressed.

  • Images

    Add images to your blog posts or pages, or add/change the images on your Photo Gallery.

  • Back-up

    Not many website owners want to access the backend but if you’re not faint of heart and want to do back-ups via cPanel….

  • Google Calendar

    Google Calendar is very useful not just for your personal needs but also to show events to the public on your website. Just in case you need to know how to input events, here’s how.

REMEMBER, if you’d rather …

Jade offers system maintenance and content update support.